Saturday, September 24, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

The people who nurtured and cared about me when I was a child are my mother, father, and brother.  Also I always had teachers who cared about me.  

My mother took care of me by cooking every day so that I was healthy and able to grow.  When I was very young she helped me with my homework.  She made me feel special because she made sure that I had everything I needed to live and be good at school. 

My father was often busy and worked late. Sometimes he played with me.  He made me feel special because he gave me a ride whenever I needed. This was his role, because he was the only one who could drive.  I care about what to eat for my health thanks to my mother and I take working to earn money for living as very important thing for family thanks to my father.

My brother is only 4 years older than me, but he had most influence on me.  He played with me often and became a role model for me as I got older.  Since he is smart and always a good leader, I often think what he would do when I run into difficulties.  He made me feel special by making sure that I was safe.
I have several favorite teachers. 

My first preschool teacher, Mrs. Sasaki, was very warm and kind lady.  I cried every day and she tried to comfort me.  One day she made me a necklace with cherry blossom petals since I was crying.  I put it in a safe place and kept it for a long time.  She taught me how adults can comfort children by smiling and talking to them intimately. 

I loved my fifth and sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Mabashi.  I was cheerful and good at making whole the class unite.  She made us feel special by answering personal questions without avoiding them or hiding the truth. She also made an effort to understand our feelings.  Looking back, she is my ideal teacher, and I think she influenced on how I acted in front of my students when I became a teacher myself.

You might find something interesting at the websites of my elementary school.

Moka nishi elementary school


  1. My dad was the only one who could drive when I was a little girl too! My mom finally got her driver's license at age 24, but she still dislikes driving and whenever we go places, I usually drive us! Your teacher's also sound wonderful, it's nice when they give of themselves and don't hold back. I think I am a bit jealous of your relationship with your brother. I am an only child and I always wished for siblings, especially a brother! My own children have developed good relationships over the years and it has been nice seeing how they interact over the years!

  2. I enjoyed reading your post and thanks for including the link to your school. That was really neat to look at (even though I couldnt read it). I really enjoy reading about our colleagues and learning more about them. It is so interesting to see the similarities and differences in all of our childhood lives. All though both of my parents could drive, my dad was the one who drove us around, while my mother stayed home and took care of the cleaning and cooking. I am also really close with my siblings and each one is a role model to me. Thanks for sharing!

  3. It was nice reading your post. I liked how you included the teachers you were close to, I was unable to do that in mine, but I was also very close to my early childhood teachers. I think we often forget how much they influence us just by doing their job. It's something we should all keep in mind as we work with children.

  4. Dear Ayako,
    Good food is good for healthy development. You and your little boy really look nice. I guess because of the healthy life your sweet mum provided. You are lucky to have a brother who is 4 years older than you, I am the first and 7 years older than my only brother. So you can imagine, I am their mum; well I enjoyed it all.
    From Mercy
